
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Farm land

Hola Nica Oasis Reader,

I would like to ask you a question today "Would you rather own all the diamonds, gold, and silver in the world or all the farm land? "

Everyone is talking about diversification in investment or adding a new asset class. Farmland, the world's oldest asset class becomes now the new asset class. However, it has become very attractive in the past several years and it is becoming more attractive over the coming years as the world's population
continues to expand. The world’s population is growing while the farmland availability is decreasing. This is translating to a global race for farmland in which some countries are imposing restrictions on foreing ownership of production land. Right now, there is a limited supply of farmland and a fast-growing demand. Farmland therefore is and will continue to be the world's best possible store of value and we will continue to invest in farmland. Nicaragua, in particular, stand outs; There is plenty of land and it is farmable. People can buy for investment and for fun, try to build your own garden of Eden like us.

Farmland in Nicaragua can be both an investment and a lifestyle, even a retirement plan. One word of caution, do not even think of buying for investment if you are not planning to live there yet. You could buy a small farm (10 to 15 acres) with a small house for about $130,000 to $250,000 . Engage a farmer to maximize the return from whatever crop you decide to farm while keeping perhaps some small field for your own hobby use. 

Hasta luego,

Don E.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Traveling to Nicaragua

Hello Nica Oasis Reader, 

Here is the latest update from finca la paciencia, Diriomo Nicaragua.


To all of my readers, friends, families who are planning a trip to Nicaragua, I have a few words of advice for you. 

Read everything you can find about Nicaragua, keep an open mind, talk to as many people as you can before and after your trip,and  expect to be different. After my first trip to Nicaragua, the first thing I did when returning to the United States was to visit a Spanish church. After the service during coffee hour my first question was, is there anyone in this congregation from Nicaragua? Fortunately there were 2 people at the church from Nicaragua and one of them has a daughter in law just returning from there and was very well informed about the country. Meeting the daughter in law was the best step for me to pursue my Nica dream. She was very well informed and put me in contact with some great people. 

You need to spend time preparing for your trip by researching the history, culture, food, and climate of where you are going. READ! WATCH! TALK!

I was reading the Wall Steet Journal on Monday October 15, 2012. There was a journal report: Innovations in Agriculture. THE ULTIMATE GROWTH BUSINESS said that every year, hosts of Americans are trading the corporate world for greener pastures. Literally, they're gathering up their savings and severance packages or cashing in their retirement plans and plowing the money into small farms,raising a few acres' worth of crops or livestock to sell. All I can say is welcome to the club as it's fun and exciting. You can live well and healthy in your farm. I suggest all of you readers research this article and check it out. 

Until next time, Hasta luego.

Don. E

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Nica Oasis Update

Buenos dias Nica Oasis  reader,
Here's an update from Finca Paciencia.
Become an International Lender? Yes you can now and you can start as little as $25.00 to help create opportunity around the world. In July 2012, I joined and gave a loan to a clothing sales lady in Granada, Nicaragua. In less than 2 months I received the first installement of 11% of the loan, I was very pleased of the process and that helped me to make a second loan to a group of Haitians and Dominicans in Santo Domingo, Domincan Republic (Unides para el futuro/ United for the future) to buy hair and beauty products. connects people through lending to alleviate  poverty. 100% of every dollar you lend on Kiva goes directly towards funding loans. If you like to make a difference go to and you will not regret it.
Now, for some of you who would like to accompany me to Nicaragua, be patient.  I am working on it. I'm going soon to Nicaragua to meet with architects, general contractors, tourism guides, and etc..  I'm getting things in order to start building a farm, cabins hotel with swiming pool, gym, basketball court, horse back riding, walking track and etc.. Agroecosa.SA is looking at the Nicaragua Tourism Incentive Law 306. This law provides us with a diverse and generous tax incentive framework considered among  the best in the region, we will keep you informed.
COMING SOON,  on line store where you can buy Arts, Crafts, Jewelry, Souvenirs made in and by Nicaraguan Artisans.
Hasta luego,
Don E.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Why Nicaragua???

Hello Nica Oasis Reader,

Thank you for your questions and advice, I will try to respond everyone as soon as possible. One of the questions I'm most asked is,  how did I choose Nicaragua or simply WHY NICARAGUA? My answer is quick and simple WHY NOT!
There is a saying in Nicaragua that if you visit for one day you'll never come back but if you stay for a week you'll never leave. In my case I did leave but said  I'll be back. Before I went to Nicaragua the only thing I knew about the country was SOMOZA, SANDANISTA, and CONTRA.  My wife and I decided to go to Nicaragua for spanish immersion classes because the price was right, to practice spanish on the locals, and to get to know the country better. The more we learned about the country the more we liked it. Located in the heart of Central America, Nicaragua is down-to-earth, authentic, and has everything except snow. It's a beautiful place with magnificient beaches, year round sunshines, soaring volcanoes, huge fresh water lakes, and historic colonial cities with friendly people. Nicaragua is a democratic country that has had four peaceful transfers of power in the last 20 years also the cost of living is cheaper than Panama, Belize, and Costa Rica.

Another question I get asked is, Why Invest in farmland in Nicaragua?  I have four reasons.
#1: Nicaragua sits a top of the largest aquifers in the entire American continent and is second only to Canada. Water is the new liquid gold.
 #2: It's 19 volcanoes has built up a very fertile black soil.
#3: Affordable land prices
#4: Low cost labor and good work ethic.
Most of all, my connections in Nicaragua are honest, trustful and the people treat me as a family member. This is why Nicaragua has become my home away from home.
Until next time, Hasta luego.
Don E.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Dear Nica Oasis Reader, 
Today I want to tell you how I came up with these names. 3 years ago during my search for a place to relax and to provide retirement income, after receiving a few rejections ( high prices, bad titles, not easily accessible, etc.) my lawyer told me to be patient and he will find me property that I will be happy with. After 2 1/2 years he certainly delivered on his promise. I called the farm (FINCA PACIENCIA) patience is also the fruit of the spirit and in the parable of the seed (The word of God) we learned in Luke 8:15 we will bear fruit with patience.
Diriomo is a municipality in the Granada department of Nicaragua. The population is approximately 10,000 and it's located on a plateau near the Mombacho volcano. Diriomo is located 22 miles from Managua and 7 miles from the business center of Granada
3 months ago during the dry season in Nicaragua, my farm manager wrote to me, Don E. His message was that the well water is delivering a lot of water in spite that in April everything is typically dry with the wells and small rivers. He said my well water has an abundant source of water. It is an oasis that God had given to me. These words are the reason why I named this blog Nica Oasis.
Until my next blog, Hasta luego.
Don E.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

May 2012 trip to Nica

Recently I went to Nicaragua and wanted to share some pictures.


Don E.

Nicaragua Facts

Here is a little background on Nicaragua. It is the largest country of Central America, covering an area of 50,464 square miles. The capital, Managua is only two and a half (2 1/2) hours by air from Miami and Houston. The country is bordered by Costa Rica on the south and Honduras to the north, with the balmy Caribbean sea to to the east. It is a warm land of lakes, mountains, rivers, volcanoes, sea, and sun.


The population of Nicaragua is approximately 6 million inhabitants. 76% of the Nicaraguans are Mestizo (population of mixed indigenous - Eurpoean ancestry); approximately 10% are European (white), 3% indigeneous and 11% creole (which in Nicaragua is a termed used for an English speaking person of African or mixed African and indigenous ancestry). Spanish is the official language of Nicaragua. It is spoken by about 90% of the country's population. The black population of the east coast region has English as its first language. Several indigenous people of the east also still use their native languages. It is the heart of Central America, neatly tucked between two oceans, where you can enjoy the natural and cultural variety of the country, blend well with hospitality of its people, and a history that thrills and inspires. This is a land of great cultural richness, multi ethnic and multilingual background and all of this makes Nicaragua a unique and exceptional land to visit.

Don E.

Welcome to Nica Oasis

Dear Nica Oasis Reader,

Welcome to the first issue of the Oasis. Taking your life offshore is a new concept for most Americans and Canadians but much of the rest of the world has long embraced these kinds of options and life style. Nica Oasis will  be devoted to organic farming, sustainable living, real estate, and the arts & crafts of Nicaragua. Our base is in Diriomo Granada, Nicaragua where we own and operate a small farm of 14 acres. Additional information will come later. In the meantime, this picture is a view of the Mombacho Volcano taken from the farm.

Thanks for stopping by.

Don E.