Here is a little background on Nicaragua. It is the largest country of Central America, covering an area of 50,464 square miles. The capital, Managua is only two and a half (2 1/2) hours by air from Miami and Houston. The country is bordered by Costa Rica on the south and Honduras to the north, with the balmy Caribbean sea to to the east. It is a warm land of lakes, mountains, rivers, volcanoes, sea, and sun.
The population of Nicaragua is approximately 6 million inhabitants. 76% of the Nicaraguans are Mestizo (population of mixed indigenous - Eurpoean ancestry); approximately 10% are European (white), 3% indigeneous and 11% creole (which in Nicaragua is a termed used for an English speaking person of African or mixed African and indigenous ancestry). Spanish is the official language of Nicaragua. It is spoken by about 90% of the country's population. The black population of the east coast region has English as its first language. Several indigenous people of the east also still use their native languages. It is the heart of Central America, neatly tucked between two oceans, where you can enjoy the natural and cultural variety of the country, blend well with hospitality of its people, and a history that thrills and inspires. This is a land of great cultural richness, multi ethnic and multilingual background and all of this makes Nicaragua a unique and exceptional land to visit.
Don E.
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