Hello Nica Oasis Reader,
Here is the latest update from finca la paciencia, Diriomo Nicaragua.
To all of my readers, friends, families who are planning a trip to Nicaragua, I have a few words of advice for you.
Read everything you can find about Nicaragua, keep an open mind, talk to as many people as you can before and after your trip,and expect to be different. After my first trip to Nicaragua, the first thing I did when returning to the United States was to visit a Spanish church. After the service during coffee hour my first question was, is there anyone in this congregation from Nicaragua? Fortunately there were 2 people at the church from Nicaragua and one of them has a daughter in law just returning from there and was very well informed about the country. Meeting the daughter in law was the best step for me to pursue my Nica dream. She was very well informed and put me in contact with some great people.
You need to spend time preparing for your trip by researching the history, culture, food, and climate of where you are going. READ! WATCH! TALK!
I was reading the Wall Steet Journal on Monday October 15, 2012. There was a journal report: Innovations in Agriculture. THE ULTIMATE GROWTH BUSINESS said that every year, hosts of Americans are trading the corporate world for greener pastures. Literally, they're gathering up their savings and severance packages or cashing in their retirement plans and plowing the money into small farms,raising a few acres' worth of crops or livestock to sell. All I can say is welcome to the club as it's fun and exciting. You can live well and healthy in your farm. I suggest all of you readers research this article and check it out.
Until next time, Hasta luego.
Don. E